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Govt to reward polythene-free markets by Dec 31: Rizwana

Syeda Rizwana Hasan, adviser to the Ministry of Environment, Forest, and Climate Change, announced today that markets in Dhaka that eliminate polythene and polypropylene shopping bags by December 31 will be rewarded.
Speaking at a meeting with business owners at the Department of Environment’s conference room, Rizwana stressed that the production, transportation, marketing, and storage of polythene bags are strictly prohibited.
She urged businesses to adopt environmentally friendly alternatives, such as jute bags, and called for student involvement in promoting these changes.
“Polythene poses a serious threat to both the environment and public health. We need businesses to step up and enforce this ban,” the adviser said.
The government is taking strict measures to enforce the ban and inviting businesses to join the effort, she added.
The meeting, chaired by the Secretary of the Ministry of Environment, also included speeches from the additional secretary and the director general of the Department of Environment.
Business leaders attending the meeting expressed support for the government’s decision and offered suggestions, including focusing on halting polythene use at its source.
